7 Rules to Follow in Your Sauna

Rules to Follow in Your Sauna

Rules are a part of life, from school rules, to household rules, game rules, and more. When it comes to sauna use, having and adhering to rules is beneficial for keeping you safe and for maximizing the incredible health and wellness benefits. At Texas Hot Tub Company, these are our seven rules to follow in your sauna for maximum enjoyment and safety. 

1. Stick to Your Time Limit

Time spent in your sauna is relaxing, cozy, and thoroughly enjoyable. However, too much of a good thing can become dangerous. This is why one of the rules to follow in your sauna is to limit sauna use to no more than 20 minutes at a time. If after 20 minutes, you would like to continue, you first need to take a 5- to 10-minute cool-down break before resuming.

2. Less is More When It Comes to Clothing

For maximum comfort and to prevent overheating, we highly recommend limiting your clothing while in your sauna. Many experienced sauna users prefer to simply wear a swimsuit, a light robe, just a towel, or nothing at all. 

When it comes to footwear, barefoot is the best option while in your sauna. You can keep a pair of sandals or flip-flops outside of the sauna to use for walking to and from if you’d like. 

3. Staying Hydrated is Key

Perhaps one of the most important rules to follow in your sauna, we can’t overemphasize the necessity of staying hydrated. Ideally, you should drink as much as three additional liters of water on the days you use your sauna. Remember, your Finnleo® Sauna will get as hot as 175 degrees for traditional saunas and 130 degrees for infrared saunas. Your body is going to sweat and lose lots of fluids. So, say yes to water to combat this water loss. 

It is also wise to minimize or refrain from alcohol use before and during your sauna session. For more on hydration, check out these three tips for staying hydrated in a sauna.

4. Listen to Your Body

If at any point during your sauna session you start to feel dizzy, lightheaded or faint, weak, nauseous or have other concerning symptoms, listen to your body and immediately exit. These are all ways your body is telling you that something is off. Stay safe and well by taking a break until all symptoms are completely gone.  

5. Sauna Limitations for Kids and Teens

Using your sauna with the whole family can be a fun and beneficial way to spend time together. However, you should be aware and adhere to age limitations for sauna use. Children under five should not use a sauna. Their small and growing bodies are not able to regulate temperatures like an adult and, therefore, can’t stay cool and safe in the heat of a sauna. Children and teens ages six and above can safely use a sauna for short sessions with adult supervision.  

6. Take a Shower After Each Session 

After each sauna session, we recommend you take a shower. Not only will you want to wash the sweat and oils away, but a shower is also beneficial to further relax your mind and body, soften your skin, cleanse your pores, and enhance the many sauna benefits. 

7. Enjoy Your Sauna!

The final rule to follow in your sauna is to enjoy every moment! We know you will enjoy owning and using your Finnleo Sauna. Contact our team to learn more about Finnleo Saunas and the many amazing health and wellness benefits. Visit any of our five locations or give us a call today!


The 2019 Limelight Collection Owner’s Manual will help you understand your spa’s features, and answer questions you might have regarding spa operation, water care, and maintenance. There is also a troubleshooting section included for your convenience.  

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