People practice yoga for many different reasons. Health, wellness, fitness, the search for inner peace. But packing your gym bag, driving to the gym, changing in the locker room and trying to nail your poses in a room full of people who all seem better at it than you …
Well, for a lot of people, let’s just say that throws the whole “zen” thing out the window.
For those of you who know what we’re talking about (we can see you nodding your heads from here), there’s a new trend you might really like that combines two of your favorite things – yoga and your hot tub!
Many yoga poses can be easily done in your hot tub. (We’re going to go ahead and suggest you DON’T try the downward facing dog, though.) Not only will you get the benefits of yoga, you’ll get the benefits of the warm, soothing water of your hot tub, too.
The natural buoyancy created by the water eases the strain on your joints, and the warmth from the water will relax your muscles. Plus, you get to skip the yoga pants, the drive to the gym and the audience – and as soon as your workout is done, you can slip into your favorite seat and enjoy a soothing hydrotherapy massage. Can’t do that at the gym!
Sounds good, right? Try these poses to get started:
The Half-Boat
Take a seat, keeping your legs half-bent and lift them so they’re parallel to your hips. Hold the pose, and then slowly lower your legs to the starting position.
The Tree
Stand with your feet together. Place your right foot on your inner left upper thigh. Place your hands in a prayer position. Hold the pose, then switch sides.
The Diver’s Pose
Similar to the half-boat. Extend your feet out, and touch your toes with your fingers. Hold the position, then relax.
The Breakwater
Stand up straight, and simply twist from side to side.
Experiment with other yoga poses that you’re comfortable with, and that the space in your hot tub will allow. And, as always, talk to your doctor before you begin an exercise program.
Now, say: “Om …”