So. Swimming tethers. Add ‘em to the list of things you want, that you’ve never even heard of before.

Go ahead. Write it down. We’ll wait.

…still waiting…

What on earth took you so long? Geez.  

Now we’ll tell you what in the world we’re talkin’ about.

If you’re a lap swimmer, you know how frustrating it can be to find a location to regularly exercise. Driving back and forth to the local lap pool is incredibly inconvenient, and if you have a pool in your backyard, swimming laps just isn’t realistic. At the most, you can only get in a few strokes before you have to turn. Frequent turns means less of a workout for you. That pretty much defeats the purpose of the whole endeavor, doesn’t it?

And THAT’S why you want a swimming tether. Yes – even if you have an above ground pool.

Swimming with a tether

Now, compared to a swim spa, swimming tethers are about as low-tech as it gets. But they’re effective and the fact that they can be added to any existing pool makes them incredibly attractive. After all, most people don’t have the space – or the budget – for their own lap pool, or to add a swim spa when they already have a swimming pool. (Of course, if you DO, we’d love to help you with that swim spa purchase.)

Tethers have been used by coaches, trainers and swim teams for years. The technology makes it easy to swim any distance you choose, no matter the size of the pool. And the durability means there’s very little to wear out or break down.  You can concentrate on your stroke while you swim, instead of reaching for the wall.

Tethers are also great for teaching someone how to swim. Help your student learn the strokes without chasing them up and down the pool. Simple. Easy.

Just add water!


The 2019 Limelight Collection Owner’s Manual will help you understand your spa’s features, and answer questions you might have regarding spa operation, water care, and maintenance. There is also a troubleshooting section included for your convenience.  

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