How a Hot Tub Relieves Congestion and Other Cold Symptoms

How a Hot Tub Relieves Congestion and Other Cold Symptoms

Perhaps one day, a bright, young doctor will create a cure for the common cold. Then we can live without the nuisance of a lingering stuffy nose, sore throat, and cough every fall and winter. Until that day, we have to deal with the pesky symptoms of a cold. However, at Texas Hot Tub Company, we can help you manage and minimize these symptoms by simply relaxing in a hot tub. Let us explain how a hot tub relieves congestion and other cold symptoms and why you will want one this cold season!

Relieve Cold Symptoms with the Hot Tub’s Steam

Perhaps you’ve been told to sit in a bathroom with the shower on so the hot air can steam out your cold. Well, soaking in a hot tub is the same idea, only without draining your water tank. Typically, the water in a spa has a temperature of 100 to 104 degrees. This creates moist steam-filled air that can help thin congestion in your nasal passage and make it easier to breathe. The warm, moist air can also help soothe irritations or inflammations caused by drainage, coughing, or blowing your nose. 

Soothe Achiness with a Hot Tub

While the cold may be common, it can certainly make you feel pretty crummy for several days! Sore, achy muscles from the cold can make functioning feel nearly impossible. Kick those aches to the curbs by soaking in the warm waters of a hot tub with powerful massage jets. Within just 15 minutes of soaking, you can begin to notice relief from the aches and start to feel more normal. 

Minimize Nose and Throat Congestion with Increased Circulation

As you soak in the warm waters of a hot tub, your body’s natural response is to keep cool by increasing blood flow throughout your body. This increased circulation has many excellent health and wellness benefits, including helping to minimize nose and throat congestion by reducing pressure in your sinus cavities. Greater circulation can also bring oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to fatigued parts of your body and flush out toxins to help you feel rejuvenated. 

The Best Medicine for a Cold: Quality Sleep

When you have a cold, all you want to do is sleep. But then, when it’s finally bedtime you struggle to get any rest due to all the pesky symptoms. However, soaking in a hot tub can help you finally get a good night’s sleep. During the length of your cold (and beyond!), get in your spa about 90 minutes before you plan to go to bed. This will relax your muscles, calm your mind, and send cues to your body that it’s time to slumber. Regularly soaking in your hot tub before bedtime can give you longer and better quality sleep.  

Having a cold can make you feel miserable! But you don’t have to stay miserable. Alleviate congestion and other cold symptoms with a hot tub. To learn more about the benefits of a hot tub or which one might be best for you, contact us at Texas Hot Tub Company. We can help you find the perfect spa for your space, budget, and personal needs today! 


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