5 Amazing Ways to Use Your Swim Spa in Fall

Amazing Ways to Use Your Swim Spa in Fall

With the changing of seasons comes new routines, new habits, and perhaps, new, fun ways to use your swim spa! Endless Pools® Swim Spas are great for experiencing both spa and pool benefits all from one high-quality device. As the weather gets chillier and the days get shorter, try out these five amazing ways to use your swim spa in fall. 

Keep Holiday Weight Gain at Bay

Without a doubt, you are aware that delicious fall treats are in full swing! Pumpkin rolls, apple pies, and caramel cakes abound. Enjoying these tasty treats is a fun part of the season. Counteract these delights with regular exercise in your swim spa.

With a swim spa at your home, exercising has never been so easy. A brief jaunt to your backyard and you can jog, walk, row, swim, Aquabike, strength train, do yoga, and more! Additionally, using the simple-to-use touch screen control panel, you can vary the water current to be as fast or slow as you’d like to increase the difficulty of your workout.

Use Your Swim Spa to Avoid Seasonal Blues

With the daylight hours getting shorter with each passing day, it’s not uncommon to feel disconnected from other people, nature, and even your own body. Fight these seasonal blues by regularly and intentionally moving your body. Regular exercise in your Endless Pools swim spa can help decrease feelings of depression while also increasing endorphins and serotonin levels, the mood-boosting chemicals in our body. 

Connect With Friends

With school back in session, fall sports in full swing, and end-of-year pressures starting to build at work, it can be a challenge to connect with others in the fall. This season, be intentional to stay in touch with your loved ones with your swim spa. Invite your friends over to connect with great conversation and laughter while relaxing in the warm waters. You can even host a harvest party, complete with fall treats, pumpkin decor, and, of course, time in your swim spa. 

Relax Now, Holidays Later

This time of year is the calm before the storm. In just a matter of weeks, the holiday season will kick off with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year in quick succession. This means traveling, extra family time, and other added stressors are on the horizon. But, for now, before the holidays arrive, enjoy a stress-free time soaking in your hot tub. And once the holidays do arrive, you can use your swim spa to find peace and solitude as needed.

Reduce Cool Weather Pains

Cool, fall weather can be very refreshing after a scorching Texas summer. But cooler weather can also bring seasonal aches and pains. Soothe your sore joints, stiff muscles, and more in the spa portion of your swim spa. The warm waters can help ease pains and loosen you up so you’re ready for other fun fall activities. 

If you’d like to see an Endless Pools swim spa in person and take a test swim, contact our team at Texas Hot Tub Company. We can answer your questions, demonstrate how to use it, and help you create a backyard design plan for installing a swim spa. Stop by Texas Hot Tub Company to learn more about installing a swim spa in your backyard this fall!


The 2019 Limelight Collection Owner’s Manual will help you understand your spa’s features, and answer questions you might have regarding spa operation, water care, and maintenance. There is also a troubleshooting section included for your convenience.  

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