5 Autoimmune Conditions a Hot Spring Spa Can Help With

autoimmune conditions a hot spring spa can help with

Did you know that autoimmune disease affects nearly 23.5 million Americans? There are a large variety of autoimmune disorders in the world, and the number of people affected seems to be rising. Researchers are struggling to find a cure for these conditions, but so far there is no clear answer.

The good news is, if you are one of the people suffering from an autoimmune disease, it is possible that you could get relief from some of your symptoms in the privacy of your own home. Texas Hot Tub Company would like to share five autoimmune conditions a Hot Spring® spa can help with. 

What Are Autoimmune Conditions?

In a nutshell, autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system gets confused and attacks the body’s own healthy tissues. While researchers have numerous theories on why this may occur, the reasons remain inconclusive. There are around 80 different types of autoimmune diseases with a variety of symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. 

What Are Some Autoimmune Disease Symptoms?

When an autoimmune response takes place, inflammation takes place, creating some of these symptoms (among others):

  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Skin Conditions
  • Digestive Problems
  • Insomnia

What Relieves Autoimmune Disease Symptoms?

Doctors prescribe various medications to help reduce the symptoms of autoimmune disease, including steroids to control inflammation. In addition to what your physician prescribes, there are at-home treatments you can use to help provide relief from pain and inflammation when you have a flare-up. Weight loss, exercise, joint protection, stress relief, better sleep, and increasing circulation have all been shown to mitigate some of the symptoms of autoimmune disease. And all of these results are conditions a Hot Spring Spa can help with.

Autoimmune Conditions a Hot Spring Spa Can Help With

A Hot Spring Spa can help with the symptoms of a number of autoimmune conditions. The warmth of the water in your Hot Spring Spa has been shown to provide the benefits of stress relief, muscle relaxation, better sleep, relief from joint pain, better cardiovascular health, improved insulin sensitivity, and increased metabolism. Here are five autoimmune conditions a Hot Spring Spa can help with.

  1. Diabetes: Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that regular soaks in a hot tub reduced blood sugar levels and improved sleep in patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes.
  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: The heat and massaging action of your Hot Spring Spa can help with the pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Hot Spring Spas have been shown to have a therapeutic effect on the symptoms of this condition.
  3. Lupus: Some of the typical symptoms of lupus include muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain. Soaking in a Hot Spring Spa can help with these issues. The support and warmth of the water improve blood flow and eases pain.
  4. Psoriatic Arthritis: An article written by the staff at Hot Spring Spas states, ”The warm water immersion, hydrotherapy and aquacise offered by Hot Spring spas, pools, and swim spas can be an incredibly effective way to treat psoriatic arthritis, reducing pain, regaining function and even leaving you in a better mental state.” Many people with psoriasis avoid hot tubs because chlorine is a skin irritant. However, a Hot Spring Spa sanitized with a FreshWater® Salt System will enable psoriasis sufferers to avoid the discomfort associated with chlorine. 
  5. Crohn’s Disease: People with Crohn’s Disease find that heat helps soothe the pain and discomfort associated with the disease. In addition, relaxation, better sleep, and stress reduction benefit those diagnosed with this disease, all conditions a Hot Spring Spa can help with. 

There are many benefits to using a hot tub. However, a Hot Spring Spa can be extremely beneficial to those suffering from autoimmune diseases. The warmth of the water and the therapeutic massage a Hot Spring Spa provides can help with joint, gut, and muscle pain.

The additional benefits include stress reduction and better sleep which are of utmost importance to those with chronic immune disorders. Always check with your doctor before using a hot tub if you suffer from one of the many autoimmune conditions. 

Want to learn more about the range of Hot Spring spas that are available? The hot tub professionals at Texas Hot Tub Company are here to help


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