What Does This Error Code Mean?

What does this error code mean?

Depending on how long you’ve owned your Jacuzzi® hot tub, you may not have encountered an error code before. These can be concerning the first time you see them because you don’t know what they mean. And by now, your physical manual with the explanations could be long gone. So, when you find yourself wondering, “What does this error code mean?” check out our quick guide for help.

How to Read Error Codes

Reading Jacuzzi error codes is actually pretty simple. For most of the models, the codes are just abbreviations of what the error is — they’re not complicated combinations that don’t make sense. And for J-400® models, your screen will clearly tell you exactly what the error is. So, in this guide, we’re just going to cover the most common codes. If you have a J-400 model, you’ll be able to follow this advice, but your screen may not read exactly the same.

Error Codes That Don’t Need Professional Help

As with many things, your hot tub will show error codes that your hot tub will either resolve itself, or will require minimal effort on your part to fix. It’s kind of like when your phone is overheated. Your phone lets you know that it needs time to fix itself, but just because you get that alert doesn’t mean you need to take it in for help.

If you see either of these codes on your hot tub, just give it some time:

  • COL or ICE – your hot tub is too cold and it just needs time to heat up

On the other hand, your hot tub will sometimes show codes you can easily fix yourself. It’s sort of like when your gas light comes on — you just need to go to the gas station, not the dealership. These codes include:

  • BLB – you need to replace your UV bulb
  • CF – you need to clean and/or replace your filter

Error Codes That Need Professional Help

There are some error codes on your hot tub that will require professional help, like your check engine light on your car. If you see any of these codes, save yourself the headache and call a technician:

  • Sn1 or Sn2 – one of your hot tub’s sensors is malfunctioning
  • FL1 or FL2 – there is an issue with the flow switch

Error Codes Regarding Safety

Your hot tub is generally quite safe, but there are a couple of safety codes to be aware of. These two error codes indicate a safety issue:

  • OH – your hot tub is overheating
  • – – – – your hot tub water is at an unsafe temperature

If you see either of these codes, do not get in the water and call a technician immediately.

At Texas Hot Tub Company, your safety is our number one priority. That’s why we will service all hot tubs we’ve ever sold, as far back as when we opened in 1958. So, if you see one of these error codes on your Jacuzzi hot tub, or you can’t seem to answer, “What does this error code mean?” give us a call. Our technicians will be happy to help ensure you can safely enjoy your hot tub.


The 2019 Limelight Collection Owner’s Manual will help you understand your spa’s features, and answer questions you might have regarding spa operation, water care, and maintenance. There is also a troubleshooting section included for your convenience.  

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