When you think of a hot tub, you probably think of taking a nice relaxing soak after a long day. However, your hot tub isn’t just an investment in stress free relaxation. Hot tubs can actually be an excellent place to exercise. Whether its cardio, strength training, or mobility/flexibility; your hot tub can be an asset to your workout.
Although there are hot tubs and spas specifically designed for cardio workouts, the same spa that you use for relaxation can be used for cardio too. Simply sit on the bench of your hot tub with your legs extended. You can then move your legs in a cycling motion or use a scissor kick which ever you prefer. Continue the motion until your heart rate is up.
Strength training
If you are looking for more of a strength training workout your hot tub is still the perfect place. Many traditional strength training exercises can be done just as effectively in the hot tub. Resistance dumbbells are weights designed to use water resistance for safer strength training with less risk for injury. One exercise that can be done using resistance dumbbells is a modified push up. Sit with your back against the edge of the hot tub be sure that the water is above your shoulder height. Then proceed with a push up motion keeping your back against the hot tub wall. The water resistance will work on muscle strength while reducing the strain on your wrists and elbows. The dumbbells can be used to recreate most traditional dumbbell exercises. As with regular dumbbells, various levels of resistance can be purchased to mimic different weights.
Finally, mobility/flexibility training can also be done in the hot tub. There is actually a type of yoga that can be done in the hot tub. Basically there are a variety of poses that you hold while in the hot tub to increase circulatory flexibility and range of motion. A list of hot tub exercises can be found here.
Your hot tub can be a fun way to change up your exercise routine. As with any exercise program you should consult a doctor before beginning any hot tub exercises, particularly if you have a heart condition or circulatory problems.